Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do The Circuit

Bored with the same old 3 mile run, or 30 minutes on the elliptical day after day?

Mix it up with CIRCUIT TRAINING.

Circuit training is an amazing way to get LEAN and TONED!

This form of exercise incorporates aerobic activity with resistance training to BURN FAT. Low weights and high repetitions are used to build ENDURANCE. By continually switching from one exercise to the next without a break the heart rate stays up, which equates to BURNING CALORIES.

Traditional circuit training worked one section of the body per exercise station, for example sit-ups, followed by push-up, and then squats.  But, I have seen greater benefits from a newer approach to circuit training in which each exercise involves the entire body, for example performing a squat while raising dumbbells over head.

By working the upper body and lower body together, and continuously switching muscle groups you will be able to keep your heart rate up for the entire workout therefore getting the benefits of AEROBIC and RESISTANCE training.

If you're looking for an excellent workout I highly recommend the Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones DVD. It is a 40 minute workout composed of 8 different 5 minute circuits. All you need is a small space in front of the TV (about 10sq ft), 2 3lb dumbbells, and a thin mat (such as a yoga mat).

Here are a few exercise ideas to get you started:

(photo courtesy of starcentral magazine)
*Squat with an overhead press. As you press up from your squat raise dumbbells overhead.

(photo courtesy of women'
*Lunge step with overhead dumbbell raise. Try lunges forwards, backwards, and sideways combined with dumbbell raises forwards or out to the sides.

(photo courtesy of kettleballsforsale)
*Get into a side plank and raise dumbbell over head. Hold plank while you perform dumbbell raise several times. Try in a standard plank position with a dumbbell in each hand and alternate rowing one dumbbell up to chest and then the next.

(photo courtesy of Squidoo)
*Balance in bridge position and perform a chest press. Can perform on the floor, or for a bigger challenge use a fitness ball.

(photo courtesy of
*Try a step up with a bicep curl. Try forwards and sideways step ups.

(photo courtesy of Discovery Health)
*Stand on one leg while performing a dead lift with dumbbell or medicine ball. Keep standing leg straight and back flat as you lower and raise up. If too difficult, begin with a dead lift with both legs planted on the ground, keep legs straight with just a slight bend in the knee.

(photo courtesy of
*Perform a push-up with hands on inverted bosu ball, jump legs in, lift bosu overhead, lower bosu down to ground, and jump legs back to begin next push-up.

There are a few ideas to get you rolling with your circuit. Choose 5 total body exercises. Perform one exercise non-stop for 30-60 seconds and then immediately move on to the next exercise. Once you have performed all 5 exercises take a 30 second break (grab a sip of water) and start the circuit from the top.

You will know you're on the right track if your heart rate is up and your muscles are feeling the burn!