Friday, October 29, 2010


The single piece of exercise equipment with the most functions: THE SWISS BALL... which also goes under the names: balance ball, birth ball, body ball, ball, fitness ball, gym ball, gymnastic ball, physioball, pilates ball, Pezzi ball, sports ball, stability ball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.

Good News: THEY ARE CHEAP! ($20-$30)

Almost any exercise can be performed on a swiss ball to add a greater amount of difficulty. By using the ball your body is forced to respond to constant instability which engages your muscles to a greater degree, and is especially great for contracting your CORE.

Use your imagination and try to incorporate the swiss ball into some of your favorite strength exercises.

Here are a few examples to get you started, try 2 sets of 8-12 reps of each:

Push Up (As you progress move the ball further away so only the tops of your feet are on the ball)
Ball push-up
Wall Squat (Progress to single let squats)
ball squat
Bridge (I like to add a chest press to this exercise. Hold dumbbells in your hands and raise into a bridge, perform a chest press and then lower back down.)
reverse ball bridge
Hamstring Curl (Start in bridge position and bend knees bringing ball towards butt)hamstring curl
Plank (Try walking side to side with your hands for added difficulty)
Reverse plank
Jack Knife (Start in plank position and bend knees bringing heels to butt)

Pike (Start in plank position and pop butt up toward the ceiling tucking your head between your arms and keeping your legs straight)

pilates on the ball