Monday, October 25, 2010

Green CHIC 2

Coming at you with more great ideas from Christie Matheson's book "Green Chic"...
(Image courtesy of

Now that you have filled your house with COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS let’s talk about TURNING THEM OFF.
It sounds so easy, but we are all guilty of leaving lights on ALL OVER THE HOUSE. By flipping off just one light that you typically leave on, such as in the entry way, you can save 125 POUNDS of harmful greenhouse gases from the environment per year.
In addition to turning lights off when we aren’t using them, we need to start unplugging chargers we aren’t using! After reading this in ‘Green Chic’ I walked around my condo to see the following charger all PLUGGED IN AND NOT BEING USED: I-pod x2, Cell-phone x2, Laptop x2, Electric Toothbrush, Camera Battery pack (Eek, that’s 8 chargers!)
Each of these chargers is draining 5 Watts per hour of energy even though it’s not being used. That equates to 100 POUNDS A YEAR of harmful  greenhouses gases causing global warming = DEATH OF OUT ENVIRONMENT. (For me having 8 chargers plugged in = 800 POUNDS… you can be sure I will not make that mistake again.)
Think of that extra second it takes you to flip the switch or unplug a charger as a little gift from you to your planet J