Saturday, November 13, 2010

Medicine Ball Workout

The Medicine Ball is at the TOP OF MY LIST for most versatile exercise equipment. It can be used to workout nearly ANY PART of your body, it's inexpensive, and it's small and easy to store. PERFECT... so now it's time to get started!

Enjoy this Mini Medicine Ball WORKOUT and see what other creative Medicine Ball Exercises you can come up with.


Raise ball over head and to the right, slowly swing it down toward left leg as you squat. Repeat 10 times and switch to other leg for another 10 reps.

Hold legs off the ground as you rotate trunk from side to side with the medicine ball. Repeat 20 times to each side.

As you lunge forwards onto your left leg rotate your trunk and medicine ball to the left. Push back up to standing rotating trunk back to center. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Perform a push-up with both hands on the ball, jump feet in towards the ball. Jump up to standing raising ball overhead. Repeat 12 times.

Perform a chair squat lowering medicine ball to chest height. As you push back up to standing raise medicine ball overhead. Repeat 20 times.

Squeeze medicine ball between your knees, lift feet off the ground and lower knees to one side and then the other. Repeat 15 times to each side.