Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The ORIGINAL Human Diet

What I'm reading right now: 'The Paleo Solution The Original Human Diet' by Robb Wolf

I LOVE the concept of this book... reverting to the nutritional ways of our Paleolithic ancestors. In other words a TIME BEFORE Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Acne, Cancer, Infertility, Obesity, and Autoimmune Disease.

I am not a big fan of FAD diets as I've seen too many people loose 10 lbs and gain 20 back. But I am ALL FOR eating habits that MIMIC people who seem to be living long healthy lives. This is the idea behind the very popular MEDITERRANEAN DIET and now the PALEO SOLUTION.

"Our human and prehuman ancestors had lived for 3 million years with a remarkably high level of health, eating only lean meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. The agricultural 'revolution' saw our ancestors become small, weak, and sick. Infant mortality exploded."

I encourage you to give this book a read, you will gain some nutritional ideas and Robb Wolf interjects funny commentary along the way. Not a big book reader? Well then sit back relax and I will share some of Robb's insight with you over the next few weeks.

One caution... this book poses a THEORY that ultimately has not yet been thoroughly researched.

It's remarkable to think that although genetically we are nearly exactly the same as 120,000 years ago the appearance of today's most prevalent diseases directly corresponds to the transition from a hunter gather lifestyle to agriculture.

A case study was performed comparing the prehistoric populations of the AGRICULTURALISTS and the HUNTERGATHERERS (HGs) and these were the results:

  • The HGs had very few cavities and the farmers had approx 7 cavities per person
  • The HGs had significantly fewer bone deformities indicative of malnutrition than did the farmers
  • The HGs had a much lower infant mortality rate
  • The HGs had much fewer signs of infectious disease
  • The HGs on average lived longer than the farmers
  • The HGs showed no sign of iron, calcium, and protein deficiencies where were prevalent amongst the farmers
The transition from Huntergatherer to Agriculture was from a nutrient rich, dense protein diet that varied with the seasons to a diet based upon a few starch crops with few vitamins and minerals.

Kind of makes you think right?! Interested in trying a few Paleo inspired meals... stay tuned!