Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gym Move of the Week

The Jackknife Plank- I dare you to try this challenging move and you will be rewarded with killer abs! I love this move because it works EVERYTHING... literally your arms, chest, back, abs, and legs will all feel the burn after a few sets of the JACKKNIFE PLANK.

Level 1:
Jackknife Plank with Tuck

Begin in plank position with lower legs resting on swiss ball. Pull knees to chest rolling ball towards your arms. Slow and controlled roll the ball back out, extending the legs and returning to starting position. Repeat for 2 sets of 12.


Level 2:
Jackknife Plank with Pike
Same as Level 1 except instead of bending knees, roll ball forwards by keeping legs straight and pulling your bottom up towards the ceiling.

jack knife pike image