Monday, December 6, 2010

The SKI PREP Workout


As SKI SEASON approaches I wanted to give you a few exercises to help GET YOU READY! Build strength, endurance, and PREVENT INJURY on the slopes with these exercises. Skiing takes great cardiovascular endurance, balance, strong gluts and quads along with flexibility and dynamic knee control. The below 45 minute program will TARGET these areas:

1. Warm up 2.5 minute jog, comfortable pace, can be performed on treadmill

2. Side step running 5 minutes lead LEFT and 5 minutes lead RIGHT, can be performed on treadmill
  • Get in a semi squat position with knees behind toes and butt sticking back. Begin side stepping to get the rhythm down, slowly start increasing the speed to the point where both feet are leaving the ground and your back leg is jumping to push off. (If on the treadmill try to get up to a 3.0 mph). Make sure both feet are facing straight sideways the entire time.
3. Karaoke running 5 minutes lead LEFT and 5 minutes lead RIGHT, can be performed on treadmill
  • Same position (semi squat) and speed (3.0mph) as with side stepping but this time instead of bringing back foot up to meet the front, alternate each step crossing the back leg in front of the front leg and then in back of the front leg. (When on the treadmill keep one hand gently resting on the side rail to maintain your position.)
4. Running backwards 5 minutes, can be performed on treadmill
  • Bring the treadmill up to a 3.0mph and support yourself with arms facing backwards letting feet hover to get the sequencing down. Slowly lower onto treadmill and start running backwards thinking about bringing knees high up in front of you.
5. Forwards running 2.5 minute cool down jog

6. Wall Sits: Slide your back down the wall until you are in a deep squat. Make sure feet are far enough forwards that knees do not go in front of toes. Hold for ONE MINUTE and perform FIVE.

7. Single Leg Balance: Place 7 Dixie cups in a semi circle in front of you (as though you are the center of the circle). Stand on one leg with slight bend in the knee. Slowly bend at the waist and reach for one Dixie cup, pick it up and return to starting position. Repeat with remaining cups, reaching in various directions to retrieve the cups, all while maintaining balance on one leg. Now switch to stand on the other leg and return the cups to their starting position, placing one down at a time and returning to starting position between each.

8. Jumps: Place a short cone (if you don't have a cone look for any object about 6 inches)  in front of you. Jump forward and back 20 times without stopping over the cone. Repeat jumping side to side over the cone. Think about keeping your knees soft to absorb the landing.

9. Forward Lunges: Lunge forward on one leg 20 times. Lunge far enough out that front knee does not cross in front of foot. Also, focus on a strong push-off of front leg to return to starting position. Staying on one leg for 20 repetitions will help you feel the burn! Repeat on other leg.

10. Backward Lunges: Step leg backwards this time to get into lunge position. Push-off of BACK leg to return to starting position. Repeat 20 times and then switch to opposite leg.

11. STRETCHING: Stretch out hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves, and IT band (outer thigh) on both legs. 2 x 25 seconds each stretch.