Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolution

It's that time of year again! January 1st is a day that makes people reflect on the year that has passed and project to the year ahead. This seems to be the perfect time to kick a bad habit, unfortunately NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS seem to be the HARDEST to keep! Follow these steps this year when setting YOUR resolution.


1. Pick a REALISTIC goal that you want to achieve, whether it be:

1. To floss your teeth more often
2. To exercise regularly
3. To spend less money
4. To loose weight

2. QUANTIFY your goal, in other words make it MORE SPECIFIC:

1. I want to floss my teeth 7 days a week
2. I want to exercise for 45 minutes 4 days a week
3. I want to spend $50 less each month
4. I want to loose 15 pounds in the next 6 months.

3. OUTLINE A PLAN. What are the steps you need to take to make this goal reality?

1. I need to buy floss and make a note to put on my nightstand as a reminder every night.
2. I need to join a gym, print out the class schedule and fill out my calendar with what time each day of the week works for me to workout.
3. I need to write out my monthly budget, downgrade my cable package, and make a log to keep in my purse with money I spend at the mall.
4. I need to start a food and workout journal, print out some healthy meal ideas, clean out my pantry, and re-instate my gym membership.

4. FOCUS on the DESIRED OUTCOME as a constant reminder of WHY this resolution is important to YOU.

1. I want to have good dental health to decrease my risk of gum disease that runs in my family.
2. I want to improve my cardiovascular endurance and overall health to control my blood pressure and cholesterol without medications.
3. I want to save more money to take a European vacation.
4. I want to feel good about myself to have more confidence and fit in my clothes better.